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3 Easy Activities to Develop Your Child’s Fine Motor Skills

February 21, 2024

Today’s post is all about our Mini Masters!

Do you have a little one at home? Perhaps nieces, nephews, or grandkids? Maybe you find yourself wondering how you can help them be more creative as they grow and learn. This can be especially challenging if you don’t consider yourself particularly creative.

Artväna is here to help!

Children often have the advantage of being creative with less stress and more time to play and discover.

However, children also face a specific set of challenges that are unique to young people. One of the biggest challenges when they are young is developing fine motor skills, such as the ability to hold the brush still or hold the brush with a certain amount of pressure, on the canvas.

Making shapes, drawing lines, and coloring inside the lines can all contribute to stronger fine motor skills in the hands. As they grow and practice these skills will naturally strengthen, however here are a few activities that will give them extra opportunities to develop these skills, and they are fun too!

Here are 3 easy ways you can create experiences for your little one that will get all those tiny hand and finger muscles working and strong!

#1. Spring Planting

This is a great activity for kids of all ages, especially those who struggle to break away from screen time. The very best part of gardening for fine motor skills is seed planting. Using those tiny finger muscles to pick up tiny seeds and drop them in their rows or pods is something every child can help with!

#2 Sculpture-Building

Play-doh or Lego sculpture building is a great activity for these fine motor skills to be used and improved. Set a project for your kiddo such as ‘Let’s build a castle’ or ‘Let’s design a barn’. Shaping the Play-Doh and clicking all those little blocks together tight is going to strengthen hands and fingers.

#3 Painting

Of course painting makes the list! Making art is one of the best developmental activities for children of any age. Painting and drawing help to develop with pressure control, gauging distance, hand-eye coordination, and grip strength. Artistic painting is also a way to develop a child’s creativity by letting them choose the colors for their projects. As they get older they can use the painting and drawing skills they have learned to make their imaginations come to life!