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What will your creative space look like?

October 5, 2022

I am so excited to talk about today’s topic with all of you! We are going to be looking at our creative spaces and how to make the most of whatever space you have to make art in.

I speak with a lot of painters in our painting club and in live classes that don’t know what they need as far as a makers space goes. How much room do you need? Where should it be? What if you don’t have natural light? What if your kids will ruin it?
These are all good things to consider but before we get going I want to assure you that you will be able to make your creative space inspiring and easy to use.

Make It Inviting

First things first, your creative space should be all about you, if you don’t feel like being in that space it’s going to be really hard to get yourself in there and want to create right? The more inviting you can make your space the better. I do this in my space with plants, sunlight, bright colors, candles, incense, and music. This will be different for every person but the point is that you want to make this space somewhere you look forward to being in.

It Doesn’t Take Much

The second big issue I discuss with people is space. If you have an extra room you can use for art great! But most of us don’t have that. My first ‘studio’ space was a 3×3 foot corner in my living room. So I want to assure you that you do not need a lot of space. It could just be a desk or an easel in the corner with a filing cabinet. Stay open to the possibilities that are in your house right now. The good thing about having your creative space in your living area is that you get to look at it all the time.

Here Are The Basics

Here are some basic things you will want to start with in your studio/space:
1: A flat surface or standing easel to create on
2. Some drawers or shelves for organizing your supplies, I personally use old filing cabinets for my paints
3. Some jars for your brushes and pens
4. A cozy chair, a lot of the creative process involves sitting and thinking about your art, watching tutorials or looking at your art. You need a comfy chair that will keep you in your space.

Those are all the basics, all you really need to get started creating your own art oasis. I would love to see a photo of your space or where you create.

Artvana Members:  Share an image of your current creative space with me and the community HERE

If you want even more inspiration I love this article, it is chock full of visual ideas.  Read it HERE 

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