Artväna paint and sip logo

Kids painting classes, art classes for kids, puget sound kids activities and events.  Painting classes for children in Gig Harbor.  Kids birthday party paint party ideas

paint in tacoma art classes

Tacoma paint and sip parties and classes paint with Artvana in Tacoma!  Plan a private party or join us for a public class at one of our partner venues including:

Top Rung Brewing (lacey)

Rumors wine bar Olympia

The shiplap shop Yelm

Bertoglios pizza Yelm

Flood Valley Taphouse Chehalis

Flood Valley taphouse Warrenton

Heritage Distilling Company Tumwater

Heritage distilling Company Gig Harbor

Tart Hard Cider Olympia

kids painting parties

Kids birthday paint parties in olympia, lacey, yelm and more.  We travel to you, host a paint party for your little ones next big day!  Ages 7+ recommended.  Kids are parties are a fun way for everyone to get creative and play.

learn the art of fingerpainting

Lacey paint and sip parties and classes paint with Artvana in Lacey!  Plan a private party or join us for a public class at one of our partner venues including:

Top Rung Brewing (lacey)

Rumors wine bar Olympia

The shiplap shop Yelm

Bertoglios pizza Yelm

Flood Valley Taphouse Chehalis

Flood Valley taphouse Warrenton

Heritage Distilling Company Tumwater

Heritage distilling Company Gig Harbor

Tart Hard Cider Olympia